Lynton Excelight IPL Hair Removal

If you are tired of hair growing in places you would rather not have it, we now have the answer. Our new Excelight IPL (Intense Pulse Light) hair removal equipment which is backed by the NHS can permanently solve your problem hair growth areas. By having IPL treatment you can precisely target certain areas so that the hair follicle is unable to grow new hair after treatment. As the hair follicles are rendered useless, pore sizes also constrict leaving you with smooth skin after treatment. The hair follicles are destroyed by the energy from the IPL being absorbed into the pigment in the hair follicle - thus making it incapable of new hair growth. As you hair grows in cycles from different follicles, multiple sessions are required to disable all the hair follicles in a certain spot . This is a really effective and efficient way to solve hair growth which may be embarrassing and time consuming to conceal or remove. 

Book a 30 minute consultation first (£35 but this is deducted from your first treatment) and come in to discuss your requirements and we’ll talk you through the process. If you purchase a course of 5 treatments you will receive one treatment free . This package cannot be booked online but can be booked with your therapist directly after your consultation.